Health Problems Dentist Can Diagnose
The mouth is often called the window into one’s health as the gums and teeth are often the first indicators of a number of serious health complications that are taking place throughout the body. This is why regular checkups with our dentist in Los Angeles are exceedingly important to maintain a bright smile as well as catching these conditions before they progress too far.
The gums and other soft tissue within the mouth have vast amounts of blood flowing through them every single day. They are also highly susceptible to serious changes throughout the body due to diseases or even hormones. Modern research has shown that both heart disease and diabetes are often first noticed due to the side effects within the mouth. This often means bleeding and sore gums for those that are in the initial stages of gingivitis. Other serious health complications include dry mouth, eating disorders, and even dementia.
The absolute best way to steer clear of the devastating ailments is by scheduling a regular dental exam at least twice a year. During these checkups, our dentist will be able to thoroughly examine your teeth and gums to search for any abnormalities that may be taking place. We will also be able to clean plaque and tartar from the teeth in order to prevent issues with gum disease and tooth decay.
No matter whether you have neglected your oral health for years or are simply looking for a new dental specialist, contact our office today and take the first step towards a healthier life and beautiful smile.
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The gums and other soft tissue within the mouth have vast amounts of blood flowing through them every single day. They are also highly susceptible to serious changes throughout the body due to diseases or even hormones. Modern research has shown that both heart disease and diabetes are often first noticed due to the side effects within the mouth. This often means bleeding and sore gums for those that are in the initial stages of gingivitis. Other serious health complications include dry mouth, eating disorders, and even dementia.
The absolute best way to steer clear of the devastating ailments is by scheduling a regular dental exam at least twice a year. During these checkups, our dentist will be able to thoroughly examine your teeth and gums to search for any abnormalities that may be taking place. We will also be able to clean plaque and tartar from the teeth in order to prevent issues with gum disease and tooth decay.
No matter whether you have neglected your oral health for years or are simply looking for a new dental specialist, contact our office today and take the first step towards a healthier life and beautiful smile.
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